Saturday, 15 October 2022

Media Man Combat Sports Blog: UFC returns to Perth in major boost for local businesses

UFC returns to Perth in major boost for local businesses

Media Statement

The UFC is returning to Perth next year.

The WA Government, through Tourism WA, is proud to support the UFC 284 at RAC Arena on February 12, 2023, and its return to WA after five years.

The star-studded event attracts top ranking fighters and is expected to draw a crowd of around 13,000 supporters, which will directly inject millions into the WA economy and support tourism businesses.

Keep an eye out as current UFC Featherweight Champion, Alexander "The Great" Volkanovski, has just touched down in #WAtheDreamState to promote Perth to his one million followers across his social media accounts.

The last WA-hosted UFC event in 2018 attracted 12,000 spectators, 1.4 million live broadcast viewers and one million out-of-home venue viewers.

For more information, read the media statement 

Social Media

Greg Tingle

Tourism Western Australia showing up the Aussie states on this occasion on how sports business and sports tourism is done "Down Under". Nothing quite like a bit of Aussie biffo and WA gets the take-down and KO over the competition today. I guess sometimes politics and sports can mix! Let's Get It On as the likes of 'Big John' or Michael Buffer may call. Punters, what's your dream match? Aussie vs The World!

Tourism WA with another tremendous sports tourism and sports business campaign. Cricket, the UFC announcement a few days ago...At this rate I may have to move there rather than just participate in campaigns from time to time, be it Red Earth Arts Festival, online peg-ons or other. WA is hitting the other Aussie states for 6! Howz That!

Full Raw highlights: Jan. 20, 2025